CORALVILLE, Iowa — Iowa authorities say a 47-year-old inmate died from an apparent suicide at the prison system's medical and classification center in Coralville.
A news release sent Tuesday by prison spokesman Fred Scaletta (skuh-LEHT'-uh) says Robert Heather was discovered unresponsive in his cell a little after 5:30 p.m. Sunday. The release says Heather was in a sitting position on the floor. One end of a sheet was wrapped around his neck. The other end was tied to the top of a bunk bed ladder.
Attempts to revive Heather failed.
Although a crime in Heather's death is not suspected, it will be investigated. Scaletta says Heather was not on a suicide watch.
Heather was given 10 years after his conviction in Lee County for lascivious acts with a child. The term began April 28. ..Source.. by The Republic
Former Southeast Iowa man serving time for sex crime commits suicide in cell
CORALVILLE – Robert W. Heather, 47, an inmate assigned to the Iowa Medical and Classification Center Reception Unit in Coralville, was discovered unresponsive at 5:32 p.m. Sunday in his assigned cell during a routine unit check.
Officers saw Heather, a former resident of Fort Madison and Burlington, in a sitting posi2tion on the floor with a bedsheet wrapped tightly around his neck and tied to the top of the bunk bed ladder.
Responding staff immediately removed the sheet from Heather’s neck, according to Fred Scaletta of the Department of Corrections. Emergency medical protocols, including CPR and automated external defibrillator, were implemented.
The local ambulance service was notified and upon arrival responders also were unsuccessful in attempts to revive Heather.
An autopsy by the state medical examiner has determined the cause of death to be asphyxia due to suffocation, according to Scaletta.
Although foul play is not suspected, the apparent suicide was not related to natural causes. Therefore, the death remains under investigation by IMCC security personnel.
Heather was serving a 10-year sentence for lascivious acts with a child from Lee County. The sentence began on April 28. ..Source.. by The Daily Gate CitY
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